Camp Selah maintains the following standard for dress code. Any article of clothing which draws undue attention, is unsafe, or is disruptive to the overall Christian camping experience that we strive to uphold will be considered inappropriate. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
If a dress code violation occurs, the camper will be asked to change. A second violation will result in a call home to the parents/guardian. A third offense, the camper will be sent home.
We will hold a "Lost and Found" parade at the end of each camp session. Any remaining items will be stored through Memorial Day weekend, after which items will be donated to a local charity such as Salvation Army or Goodwill. Help prevent "lost" items by labeling all of your camper's belongings.
We seek to provide a safe and loving environment for each camper. To make sure of this, we adhere to a set camper discipline policy: 1st offense, verbal warning; 2nd offense, phone call to parents; 3rd offense, dismissal. We also strictly enforce a no-prank-policy.
If you have any questions regarding any of Camp Selah's policies, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to further explain any of these policies.
Your input helps make us a better and safer camp! 517-283-2527