Before making a cabin mate request, please consider this thought from Jenn, a mother of two campers:
"I feel strongly that summer camp should not be a place for my children to hang out with their 'home friends.' I thought it was important that they bunk with
unacquainted kids as a way to encourage independence and overcome the anxiety of the unfamiliar. Meeting new cabin mates and cultivating relationships are the hallmarks of a true summer camp
experience. These are skills they will need as they continue to grow and mature."
Every camper is GUARANTEED ONE cabin mate request, as long as they follow this procedure:
1) Request only ONE other camper.
2) Both campers must request each other.
3) Send in your registration form BEFORE JUNE 1ST.
If you list MORE THAN ONE cabin mate, your request is NOT GUARANTEED.
Cabin changes will not be made on registration days under any circumstances.
Direct any questions or concerns to Camp Selah, 517-283-2527, before June 1st!