Junior Week 2024 Photos & Videos Now Available!

Junior campers AGES 8-10 get to experience the joy of stepping out of their day-to-day life and into an environment that cultivates long lasting friendships, unique fun, and a Christ-centered atmosphere.

weekly videos

We have your weekly videos available for DIGITAL DOWNLOAD!

Selah Classes

Learn a new skill or perfect an old one during Selah Classes! Some of the classes we might have include swim class, acting class, art class, and sport classes.


7:30am    RiseNShine/Cabin Clean-Up

7:50am    Flag Raising  

8:00am    Breakfast

9:00am    Selah Classes

10:00am  Chapel

11:00am  AM Cabin Activity

12:30pm  Lunch/Mail

1:30pm    Selah (Rest Time)

2:00pm    Snack Shack

2:30pm    Free Swim

3:30pm    Free Time

4:30pm    Chapel

5:30pm    Supper

6:30pm    PM Cabin Activty

7:30pm    Surprise Hour

8:30pm    Snack Shack

9:00pm    Night C.A.P.

9:30pm    Flag Lowering

9:40pm    Bed Prep

10:00pm   Lights Out

Five Finger Pledge

Camp is a great place to try new things! Every week at camp orientation we challenge the campers to commit to trying something new each day they're with us.

3600 Long Lake Rd

Reading, MI 49274

(517) 283-2527
