Campers have an opportunity to visit the Snack Shack twice a day.
Camp Selah requires all Snack Shack money to be submitted at REGISTRATION ONLY! Extra money left in a bag or suitcase is at risk of becoming lost or stolen and is not be able to be added to the card after registration.
At registration Snack Shack money is transferred to a Snack Shack Account Card in the camper's name and is kept on file in the Snack Shack.
Any money not spent by pick-up time is donated to the camp and greatly appreciated to help keep summer camp costs low! However, if there are any campers who have $5 or more left on their account at pick-up, a refund will be awarded to them in increments of $5, $10, $15, $20 and so on.
The Snack Shack has typical concession stand goodies including candy bars, chips, popcorn, pop, Gatorade, & ice cream from $1-$3.
Gluten Free & Dairy Free options will be available.
Outside snacks will not be stored for individual campers in the Snack Shack.
Also available is camp merchandise like sunglasses, hats, & t-shirts $5-$15.
$20-$30 is the recommended amount for week long campers to put on a Snack Shack account.